Chromium Single Cell

Access the broadest range of analytes, samples & workflows

Confidently tackle any research question using the only single cell toolkit with optimized protocols and proven performance for fresh, frozen, and fixed samples—even FFPE.

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Reverse transcription-based gene expression (3’/5’)
Probe-based gene expression
Chromatin accessibility
Cell surface protein
Intracellular protein
Antigen specificity
Unique sample prep capabilities
Additional experimental options

Gene expression

Reverse transcription-based gene expression (3’/5’)

Profile the whole transcriptome by capturing the 3’ or 5’ ends of mRNA transcripts for unbiased characterization of cell types and states from a wide range of species.

Compatible sample types

Cell suspensions, nuclei suspensions, flow-sorted cells, fixed human PBMCs, fresh tissue, frozen tissue, DSP/Methanol-fixed tissue, organoids

Universal 3’
Universal 5’
Epi Multiome

Probe-based gene expression

Sensitive, robust profiling of 18,000+ genes from human and mouse, even from whole tissue, FFPE samples, and samples with fragmented RNA.

Compatible sample types

Cell suspensions, nuclei suspensions, flow-sorted cells, fixed whole blood, fresh tissue, frozen tissue, FFPE tissue, PFA-fixed tissue, organoids


Chromatin accessibility

Chromatin accessibility

Analyze thousands of unique open chromatin fragments per cell, genome-wide, to gain insights into deeper understandings of the cell type–specific regulatory mechanisms.

Compatible sample types

Nuclei suspensions, fresh tissue, frozen tissue

Multiomic profiling


Evaluate gene function across different cellular processes with direct assessment of CRISPR-driven edits or knockdowns and their resulting gene expression phenotypes.

Cell surface protein

Characterize cell subtypes and states more comprehensively with added protein information from the same cell, allowing you to explore transcriptomic and proteomic relationships.

Intracellular protein

Enrich distinct cell phenotype understanding with added protein expression data throughout the entire cell, including nuclear, cytosolic, and secreted proteins.

T cell receptor/B cell receptor

Gain a comprehensive view of the immune system with paired, full-length receptor sequences from T and/or B cells with complete isotype resolution.

Featured resources

Antigen specificity

Obtain comprehensive antigen-specific cellular profiles to identify rare, antigen-reactive T and B cells to fully characterize the adaptive immune response and accelerate therapeutic discovery.

Featured resources

Unique sample prep capabilities

Nuclei isolation from frozen samples

Easily and efficiently prepare frozen samples for single nuclei sequencing, consolidating your experimental processes and improving access to more samples.

Nuclei isolation from FFPE samples

Isolate nuclei from FFPE tissue sections for use with the standard Chromium Gene Expression Flex workflow.

Featured resources

Whole blood fixation

Fix then isolate peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and leukocytes from whole blood upstream of the Flex assay, enabling more flexible and convenient blood-based studies.

Human PBMC fixation

Fix, store, and perform 3’ or 5’ gene expression on human PBMC samples on your schedule, without sacrificing RNA integrity or fragile cell types.


Start with whole tissue, chop it into smaller pieces, and then fix prior to dissociation into a cell suspension, preserving fragile cells that would not survive other dissociation methods.

Additional experimental options

Long-read sequencing

Combine long-read sequencing with Chromium assays to identify alternative isoforms and splicing at single cell resolution.

Custom probe design

Target additional mRNAs of interest not covered in the standard Flex transcriptome probe sets, letting you tailor your experiments to your research needs.

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