Combine the power of single cell and spatial to make the impossible, possible.
That’s Xenium potential.

10x Xenium Results Display

Introducing Xenium In Situ. Our newest platform enables high-throughput subcellular mapping of 100s to 1,000s of RNA targets in addition to multiplexed protein on tissue slides.

Welcome to the new age of in situ

Streamline going from tissue section to data, with an automated analyzer, curated and/or custom panels, and intuitive data analysis and visualization software.

Visualize millions of single cells per week in tissue context.

The Xenium platform has a robust roadmap to enhance the core platform with more capabilities and analytes. Future developments will include higher plex panels, simultaneous RNA and protein detection, additional segmentation modes, higher throughput, and more.

Shining a spotlight on Xenium Xplorers

Discover the incredible breakthroughs Xenium users are making.

Shining a spotlight on Xenium XplorersLearn more

The story of Xenium

Discover how and why the team behind Xenium designed the most advanced end-to-end high-plex in situ platform on the market.

The science of Xenium

Get a glimpse of the powerful chemistry that enables Xenium to deliver high quality single cell spatial data.

The story of Xenium
The science of Xenium

Digging deeper into AD pathology

Explore how Xenium In Situ enabled us to characterize the impact of amyloid plaques on hundreds of transcripts in single cells with spatial context–and imagine what subcellular spatial multiomics could mean for your own work.

Seeing is believing

Experience the power of Xenium firsthand by interactively exploring a 300+ gene human breast cancer dataset with this Xenium Explorer web demo. Visualize and identify tissue macrostructures, differentially expressed transcripts, and beyond.

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