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Specifying RNA-Binding Domains for Xenium v1 Panels

Specifying RNA-Binding Domains for Xenium v1 Panels

This step is optional and only applies to species standalone custom or advanced custom panel designs for Xenium v1 panels. This step is not currently offered in the Xenium Prime panel design workflow - please submit requests in the Xenium Panel Designer and 10x support will work with you to finalize Xenium Prime advanced custom designs.

While no impact on assay performance is anticipated, 10x Genomics does not support or experimentally validate the use of custom probes, and thus cannot guarantee that custom probes will successfully detect their targets.

This is the final, and optional, step of the Request species standalone or advanced custom panels workflow before submitting the request to a 10x bioinformatician.

To specify RNA-binding sequences for advanced custom probe sequences, create a CSV file formatted as specified in the Species Standalone Custom and Advanced Custom Panel Design for Xenium In Situ Technical Note. This CSV file can be uploaded to the Xenium Panel Designer (see Provide Sequences step below) or you can work with your 10x bioinformatics representative to generate it.