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Create Gene List

Create Gene List

The Xenium Panel Designer will check your gene list and provide feedback if any problems or ambiguous genes are encountered for human or mouse samples. You can modify the list based on the feedback before moving to the next step.

Enter a list of gene names and/or Ensembl IDs. Sort the list from most to least important to help us prioritize genes to retain for the final design.

  • For add-on custom panels, up to 100 genes can be added to a 10x pre-designed panel. The add-on panel list should not include genes that are already in the selected pre-designed panel.
  • For standalone custom panels, up to 480 genes are supported.
  • Recommended for any panel type: submit ~10-20 additional genes in case any in the main set need to be replaced during the design process.

For Xenium v1 panels, 10x Genomics can design probes for these human and mouse genes, which cover:

  • 96.8% of the human transcriptome and 99.7% of the human coding transcriptome
  • 85.4% of the mouse transcriptome and 99.8% of the mouse coding transcriptome

For Xenium Prime panels, 10x Genomics can design probes for these human and mouse genes, which cover:

  • 99.5% of the human transcriptome and 99.4% of the human coding transcriptome
  • 99.7% of the mouse transcriptome and 99.6% of the mouse coding transcriptome

The files below list the genes that are not covered by our existing probes per assay chemistry based on their respective human or mouse 2020-A reference transcriptomes (gene name, Ensembl ID, and gene type):

It is important that the gene symbols and feature IDs match the features in the human or mouse 2020-A reference GTF file exactly.

If provided, the Ensembl IDs should not include "version decimals" (e.g., "ENSG00000010404" is ok, while "ENSG00000010404.3" is not). The Ensembl IDs must be the gene ID (ENSG, ENSMUSG) not the transcript ID.