10x Genomics的产品已被世界各地的研究人员所采用,包括《自然》杂志 2019 年排名前 100 的所有全球研究机构,以及 2019 年研发支出排名的全球前 20 名制药公司。我们的产品被 8,200 多篇研究论文引用,促成了肿瘤学、免疫学和神经科学的发现。
Our culture
To succeed in our mission, we have a unique culture at 10x. Like all great companies, we strive to be an awesome place to work, delight our customers, exercise good judgment, act with integrity, and believe in accountability. We believe there are a few things that set 10x apart. We invite you to read our culture document to learn more.
Instruments placed in top institutions worldwide1,750+
Patents issued or filed7000+
PublicationsTop 10
The Scientist Top 10 Innovations award 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
US Locations
Pleasanton, CA10x Genomics5500 Stoneridge Mall Road Pleasanton, CA 94588-3260+1 925 401 7300+1 800 709 1208Pleasanton, CA10x Genomics6210 Stoneridge Mall Road Pleasanton, CA 94588-3260+1 925 401 7300+1 800 709 1208Pleasanton, CA10x Genomics6230 Stoneridge Mall Road Pleasanton, CA 94588-3260+1 925 401 7300+1 800 709 1208EU Locations
Leiden, The Netherlands10x Genomics B.V.LeCarrefour, Dellaertweg 9D, 2316 WC Leiden, The NetherlandsAsia Locations
Jui Bei City, Taiwan10x Genomics Taiwan Co., Ltd.No. 22 Tai Yuen Street, Jui Bei City, Hsinchu County 302052, TaiwanShanghai, China10x Genomics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd2421, Cloud 9 International Plaza, No. 1018 Changning Road, Shanghai, 200042 ChinaSingapore10x Genomics Pte LtdSolaris @ Kallang 164, 164 Kallang Way, #09-12/18, Singapore 349248Tokyo, Japan10x Genomics Japan KKMarunouchi Kitaguchi Building 9F, 6-5, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0005, Japan
- 在10x Genomics,我们与世界各地的公司合作,这些公司与我们一样热衷于促进人类健康。
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The 10x Team