Analysis Pipelines | Pipeline Version | Library Types |
Space Ranger count Visit the Space Ranger count documentation to learn more. |
Cell Ranger count Visit the Cell Ranger count documentation to learn more. |
Cell Ranger multi Visit the following pages to learn more about Cell Ranger multi with sample multiplexing data, Flex data, and V(D)J data. |
Cell Ranger aggr Visit the Cell Ranger aggr documentation to learn more. |
Cell Ranger vdj Currently, the 10x Cloud Platform does not support Cell Ranger vdj in de novo mode. Visit the Cell Ranger vdj documentation to learn more. |
Cell Ranger reanalyze1 Visit the Cell Ranger reanalyze documentation to learn more. |
Cell Ranger annotate (Beta) Visit the Cell Ranger annotate documentation to learn more. |
Cell Ranger ARC count Visit the Cell Ranger ARC count documentation to learn more. |
Cell Ranger ARC aggr Visit the Cell Ranger ARC aggr documentation to learn more. |
Cell Ranger ARC reanalyze1 Visit the Cell Ranger ARC reanalyze documentation to learn |
1At this time, reanalysis of aggregated analyses (Cell Ranger) is not available in Cloud Analysis.