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OS Requirements

In the interests of serving as many of our customers as possible, 10x Genomics works to ensure our pipelines run on popular Linux distributions. We maintain compatibility with older versions as long as practical, even beyond their vendor support.

The table below summarizes our intended operating system support schedule. When a 10x Genomics software is released following one of the indicated dates, users will see a warning message about the deprecated system. For operating system compatibility information for any specific 10x Genomics software version, please refer to the release notes for that version.

The following table lists the 10x Genomics support schedule for Ubuntu.

Ubuntu VersionVendor Support End DateMay 2018November 2021March 20232025
10.04April 2017incompatibleincompatibleincompatibleincompatible
12.04April 2017deprecatedincompatibleincompatibleincompatible
14.04April 2019supporteddeprecatedunsupportedincompatible
16.04April 2021supportedsupportedsupportedincompatible
18.04April 2023supportedsupportedsupportedsupported
20.04April 2025supportedsupportedsupportedsupported
22.04April 2027supportedsupportedsupportedsupported

The following table lists the 10x Genomics support schedule for RedHat and CentOS.

RedHat/CentOS VersionVendor Support End DateMay 2018November 2021March 20232025
5March 2017incompatibleincompatibleincompatibleincompatible
6November 2020supportedincompatibleincompatibleincompatible
7June 2024supportedsupportedsupportedincompatible
8May 2029supportedsupportedsupportedsupported

While 10x Genomics cannot test on every distribution, and therefore cannot guarantee support, we expect most "rebuilds" of RedHat, such as Fermilab's Scientific Linux, to have equivalent compatibility.

If you have seen a deprecation warning, it is because your current operating system is out of date and support is expected to end soon. 10x Genomics recommends upgrading to a more recent release, but we understand that may not be immediately practical. You can acknowledge the deprecation warning and run the pipeline on your current operating system by setting the TENX_IGNORE_DEPRECATED_OS environment variable before running the pipeline:

$ TENX_IGNORE_DEPRECATED_OS=1 cellranger wgs...

Or, you can set up your shell to remember this preference:

$ echo "export TENX_IGNORE_DEPRECATED_OS=1" >> ~/.bashrc $ source ~/.bashrc

Reach out to with any questions or concerns.

Due to the general interoperability of Linux distributions, software written and tested on one often works on others. However, there are sometimes important differences, and 10x Genomics cannot test or support on all possible platforms. The main constraints on compatibility between Linux versions are due to the kernel and GNU libc versions. The following table lists the expected timeline for pipeline software compatibility. The distribution versions listed as examples are not tested or officially supported by 10x Genomics, but customers have reported success with them in the past.

Kernel VersionGNU libc VersionExample DistributionsMay 2018November 20212025 11, Debian 6incompatibleincompatibleincompatible
2.6.322.12Debian 7, Fedora 11compatibleincompatibleincompatible 12, Debian 8, Fedora 20compatiblecompatibleincompatible Linux 2018.03compatiblecompatibleincompatible 9, Arch 2017.02compatiblecompatibleincompatible
4.18+2.26+Amazon Linux 2, Debian 10, SUSE 15compatiblecompatiblecompatible

If your operating system is not listed, you can compare the kernel version returned by uname -r and glibc version returned by ldd --version with the above table. 10x Genomics is not aware of any issues specific to versions newer than the ones listed above.