For use with:
- GEM-X Universal 5’ Gene Expression v3 4-plex 16 samples PN-1000780
- GEM-X OCM 5' Chip Kit v3 4-plex 2 chips PN-1000748
- Chromium GEM-X Single Cell 5' Feature Barcode Kit v3 16 rxns PN-1000703
- Chromium Single Cell V(D)J Amplification Kits
- Human 16 rxns TCR PN-1000252 / BCR PN-1000253
- Mouse 16 rxns TCR PN-1000254 / BCR PN-1000255
- Dual Index Kit TT Set A 96 rxns PN-1000215
GEM-X 5' OCM chips are compatible with Chromium X instruments; GEM-X 5' OCM chips are incompatible with Xo and iX instruments. To run the GEM-X 5' OCM chips in the Chromium X instrument, firmware version 2.0.0 or higher is required; however the most updated version is recommended for best performance.
Step by step video demo
GEM-X OCM Chip Assembly, Loading & GEM Generation