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Universal 5' Gene Expression
Chromium Single Cell

Universal 5' Gene Expression

This assay requires Chromium X/iX instrument Firmware v2.0 or newer. Refer to the Chromium X Series Firmware Update Procedure for details
What is Universal 5' Gene Expression?

Chromium Universal 5' Gene Expression allows analysis of full-length, paired B-cell or T-cell receptor (BCR/TCR) sequences, surface protein expression, and 5’ gene expression, all from a single cell.

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We provide resources from protocols, user guides, and free-to-use analysis tools.

Experimental Design & Planning

Plan ahead by referring to the list of equipment, kits, and reagents needed for Single Cell Immune Profiling.

Sample Prep

Prepare optimal single cell/nuclei suspension by following our Demonstrated Protocols.


Refer to instrument-specific documents for seamless instrument operation.

Library Construction

Construct a sequencing-ready single cell library by following our step-by-step User Guide / Protocol.

Targeted Gene Expression (Optional)

Use pre-designed or custom panels for targeted gene expression, followed by sequencing and data analysis.


Sequence your single cell library as per our provided recommendations.

Software Analysis

Analyze your single cell data using our pipelines, visualization, and Cloud Analysis tools.

Additional Applications

Cell Surface Protein
Measure single cell gene expression, cell surface protein expression, and optionally antigen specificity simultaneously.
CRISPR Screening
Assess the effects of CRISPR perturbations alongside single cell gene expression.
High Throughput (HT)
Enables molecular profiling of 2,000–20,000 cells/sample with simultaneous detection of full length, paired immune receptor sequences, gene and protein expression, and antigen specificity.
Barcode Enabled Antigen Mapping (BEAM)
Map antigens to discover novel antigen-specific Ig or T-cell receptors.

Access free, publicly available data from a number of different sample types generated with Chromium single cell solutions.

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GEM-X: How to assemble, load and generate GEMs video
How-to series
GEM-X: How to assemble, load and generate GEMs
GEM-X OCM: How to assemble, load and generate multiplex GEMs video
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GEM-X OCM: How to assemble, load and generate multiplex GEMs
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Chromium Next GEM Single Cell 5' v2 Dual Index
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