Spatial Gene Expression for FFPE

What is Spatial Gene Expression for FFPE?
Visium Spatial Gene Expression analyzes the whole transcriptome of FFPE tissue sections in a spatially resolved manner by mapping gene expression over a high-resolution microscope image of the tissue.
Find resources, from protocols to free-to-use analysis tools.
Plan ahead by referring to the list of equipment, kits, and reagents needed for the Visium Spatial Gene Expression for FFPE protocols.
For proper FFPE tissue sectioning and placement.
Deparaffinize, stain, image, and decrosslink tissue.
For imaging hardware, general image acquisition and analysis guidelines, and example images.
Find a list of probes targeting protein-coding genes in human or mouse transcriptome for the Visium for FFPE assay.
Construct a sequencing-ready Visium spatial library from your FFPE tissue sections.
Sequence your Visium spatial library as per our provided recommendations.
Analyze your Visium spatial data using our pipelines and visualization tools.
Videos - Visium Spatial Gene Expression for FFPE
Find answers to common technical questions, from sample prep through data analysis, about Visium spatial workflows.

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