Nov 5, 2018

Unravel Multiple Dimensions of Neuronal Complexity with 10x Genomics

Shauna Clark

We are excited to join SfN in San Diego this year to tell you about all of the exciting new products we have recently launched to help you better unravel the multiple dimensions of neural complexity. We understand that neuroscience research has been limited by biased cellular analysis and pooled samples, as well as cumbersome dissection and staining techniques. Our single cell genomics, transcriptomics, and epigenomics products will help you address a number of research hurdles that neuroscientists often encounter.

  • Unmask intracellular heterogeneity: Whether it has to do with gene expression signatures, copy number variation and mosaicism, or the epigenetic mechanisms involved in brain development, these can all be addressed with single cell analysis.
  • No longer be limited to target pre-selection: Unbiased single cell analysis allows you to examine a virtually unlimited number of cell types and simultaneously assess activation states.
  • Detect rare and/or novel cell types: You have the flexibility to change the number of cells analyzed or how deep you sequence in order to capture more cell types. Single cell analysis allows you to analyze hundreds to thousands of cells at the single cell level.
  • Examine precise cellular function in a single neuron, astrocyte, or oligodendrocyte: Now relate cell type and function on a cell-by-cell basis with single cell techniques.

Visit us at Booth #418 to learn how new single cell solutions from 10x Genomics can help you discover the full complexity of neuronal diversity. Ask about our Single Cell CNV Solution to address genomic heterogeneity and neuronal mosaicism, our Single Cell Gene Expression solution to comprehensively characterize intracellular heterogeneity, and our Single Cell ATAC Solution to map the chromatin landscape and gain insight into mechanisms involved in development and disease. See you there!