Mouse Brain Serial Section 1 (Sagittal-Posterior)
Spatial Gene Expression dataset analyzed using Space Ranger 1.0.0

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10x Genomics obtained fresh frozen mouse brain tissue (Strain C57BL/6) from BioIVT Asterand. The tissue was embedded and cryosectioned as described in Visium Spatial Protocols - Tissue Preparation Guide Demonstrated Protocol (CG000240). Tissue sections of 10 µm thickness from a sagittal slice of the posterior were placed on Visium Gene Expression Slides.
- Sex: Male
- Age: >8 weeks
- Strain: C57BL/6
- Section Orientation: Sagittal Slice of the Posterior
The H&E image acquired using a Nikon Ti2-E microscope with the following settings:
- Color camera
- 10X objective
- Numerical Aperture: 0.45
- Exposure: 10 ms
- Gain: 4.5X
The Visium Spatial Gene Expression library was prepared following the Visium Spatial Gene Expression Reagent Kits User Guide (CG000239). Sequencing data was processed using Space Ranger.
- Sequencing instrument: Illumina NovaSeq 6000
- Sequencing Depth: 87,180 read pairs per spot
- Sequencing Configuration: 28 x 120 bp
- Sequencing Coverage: Read 1 - 28 bp (includes 16 bp Spatial Barcode, 12 bp UMI); Read 2 - 120 bp (transcript); i7 sample index - 10 bp; i5 sample index - 10 bp.
- Dual-Index set T1T2-F3
- Slide: V19L29-035
- Area: A1
Key cell metrics were:
- Spots detected under tissue - 3,353
- Median UMI counts per spot - 14,864
- Median genes per spot - 4,564
This dataset is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. 10x citation guidelines available here.