1k A375 Cells Transduced with Non-Target and Target sgRNA, Chromium GEM-X Single Cell 5'
Universal 5' Gene Expression dataset analyzed using Cell Ranger 8.0.0

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1K A375 cells, a human cell line derived from malignant melanoma cells, stably expressing dCas9 were separately transduced with single guides (either non-targeting or Rab1a sgRNA).
Gene Expression and CRISPR libraries were generated as described in the Chromium GEM-X Single Cell 5' Reagent Kits v3 User Guide (CG000735) and sequenced on an Illumina NovaSeq6000 with approximately 80,000 read pairs per cell.
Paired-end, dual indexing:
- 28 cycles Read 1
- 10 cycles i7
- 10 cycles i5
- 90 cycles Read 2
The cellranger multi
pipeline in Cell Ranger v8.0.0 was used to analyze libraries.
This dataset is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. 10x citation guidelines available here.