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Xenium Experiment File Metadata and Versions

Xenium Experiment File Metadata and Versions

The experiment.xenium file is an output from the Xenium Onboard Analysis pipeline. The metadata fields in this file are described below:

major_versionIndicates major version of analysis output file formats read by Xenium Explorer
minor_versionIndicates minor version of analysis output file formats read by Xenium Explorer
patch_versionPatch version of analysis output file formats read by Xenium Explorer
run_nameUser-specified Run Name entered on instrument
run_start_timeInstrument run start time
region_nameUser-specified name for region selected on instrument
preservation_methodUser-specified sample preservation method
num_cellsCells detected by Xenium Onboard Analysis pipeline
transcripts_per_cellMedian transcripts per cell calculated by Xenium Onboard Analysis pipeline
transcripts_per_100umTranscripts per 100 µm2 calculated by Xenium Onboard Analysis pipeline
region_areaTotal area of imaged field of views (FOVs)
total_cell_areaSummed area of detected cells
thickness_of_high_quality_decoded_transcriptsWidth in Z of high-quality transcripts measured in microns
non_zero_matrix_entriesNumber of nonzero entries in the sparse CSC cell-feature matrix in the file
nuclear_transcripts_per_100umNumber of high-quality, decoded-to-gene nuclear transcripts divided by the total segmented nuclear area
num_transcriptsTotal number of transcripts including low-quality transcripts
num_transcripts_high_qualityTotal high quality decoded transcripts (≥ Q20)
fraction_transcripts_assignedPercent of high-quality transcripts that are found within cells
segmented_cell_stain_fracSum of segmented_cell_boundary_frac and segmented_cell_interior_frac
segmented_cell_boundary_fracNumber and percent of cells where the cell segmentation boundary is derived from the boundary stain
segmented_cell_interior_fracNumber and percent of cells where the boundary is from expansion of the nucleus using interior stain information
segmented_cell_nuc_expansion_fracNumber and percent of cells where the boundary is an isotropic expansion from the nucleus boundary
imported_cell_fracFraction of cells that were imported by Xenium Ranger import-segmentation
cassette_nameUser-specified Xenium Cassette Name entered on instrument
slide_idUser-specified Xenium Slide ID entered on instrument
panel_typePanel type specified by the gene_panel.json file ("Predesigned", "custom", or "add_on")
panel_design_idPanel design ID specified by panel selection on instrument (additionally panel_predesigned_id is included for add-on custom panel designs)
panel_designer_versionXenium Panel Designer software version used for the custom panel design
panel_namePanel name specified by panel selection on instrument
panel_organismSample organism specified by selected gene panel
panel_tissue_typeUser-specified tissue type selected on instrument
panel_num_targets_predesignedNumber of gene targets from the pre-designed gene panel
panel_num_targets_customNumber of gene targets from add-on custom panel if included in panel design
chemistry_versionAssay chemistry specified by the gene_panel.json file ("v1" = Xenium v1, "v2" = Xenium Prime)
pixel_sizePixel size in the morphology.ome.tif image file (in µm)
instrument_snXenium Analyzer instrument serial number
instrument_sw_versionVersion of the Xenium Analyzer firmware used during analysis run
analysis_sw_versionVersion of Xenium Onboard Analysis pipeline used to analyze data
analysis_uuidInstrument metadata
experiment_uuidInstrument metadata
cassette_uuidInstrument metadata
roi_uuidInstrument metadata
z_step_sizeZ-step size (in µm) used for subsampling the morphology.ome.tif image Z-stacks
well_uuidInstrument metadata
calibration_uuidInstrument metadata
imagesSpecifies the file paths to the morphology image files; used by Xenium Explorer to find input files
xenium_explorer_filesSpecifies the file paths to transcript, cell, secondary analysis, and analysis summary files; used by Xenium Explorer to find input files
segmentation_stainSpecifies the stain method selected on instrument for cell segmentation ("Xenium Multi-Tissue Stain" or "Nuclei (DAPI)").
xenium_rangerIf the data was reanalyzed with Xenium Ranger, this section specifies the run_id, Xenium Ranger version, and commands used to analyze the data.

The major_version field in this file indicates when there are changes to Xenium Onboard Analysis (XOA) output file formats that affect forwards-compatibility with other software.

Updates to major_version are associated with new releases of the XOA software on the Xenium Analyzer (XA) instrument. This format version is used by Xenium Explorer (XE) and Xenium Ranger (XR) to determine input file compatibility across the Xenium software suite. This table summarizes when file format major versions were introduced by XOA software version.

XOA versionexperiment.xenium major version
XOA v3.25.2
XOA v3.15.1 †
XOA v3.05.0
XOA v2.04.0
XOA v1.7 - v1.93.0
XOA v1.62.0.2
XOA v1.52.0.1
XOA v1.3 - v1.42.0
XOA v1.21.1
XOA v1.0 - v1.1(no version fields)

† Reanalysis with Xenium Ranger v3.0 generates outputs that align with the XA/XOA v3.1 output format and experiment.xenium major version v5.1.