For a list of subcommands, run cellranger --help
. Command line options for each pipeline are divided into arguments and flags. An argument requires an input whereas a flag must not be supplied an input. The Martian runtime arguments and flags are available to all the subcommands.
cellranger count --help
cellranger count [OPTIONS] --id <ID> --transcriptome <PATH> --create-bam <true|false>
Argument | Description |
--id | Required. A unique run ID string (e.g., sample345). The name is arbitrary and will be used to name the directory containing all pipeline-generated files and outputs. Only letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens are allowed (maximum of 64 characters). |
--output-dir | Optional. Path to a custom output directory for storing the results of the run. When this argument is specified, the outputs are placed in the user designated directory, following the format: /path/to/<custom name>/outs/ . If excluded, the outputs are directed to the default path: /path/to/ID/outs/ . |
--description | Optional. Sample description to embed in output files. |
--transcriptome | Required. Path of folder containing 10x-compatible transcriptome reference. |
--fastqs | Required. - EITHER - Path of the fastq_path folder generated by FASTQ generation software: cellranger mkfastq / bcl2fastq / bcl-convert e.g. /home/jdoe/runs/HAWT7ADXX/outs/fastq_path . This contains a directory hierarchy that cellranger count will automatically traverse. - OR - Any folder containing FASTQ files, for example if the FASTQ files were generated by a service provider and delivered outside the context of the mkfastq output directory structure. Can take multiple comma-separated paths, which is helpful if the same library was sequenced on multiple flow cells. Doing this will treat all reads from the library, across flow cells, as one sample. If you have multiple libraries for the sample, you will need to run cellranger count on them individually, and then combine them with cellranger aggr . This argument cannot be used when performing Feature Barcode analysis; use --libraries instead. |
--project | Optional. Name of the project folder within a mkfastq , bcl2fastq , or bcl-convert -generated folder from which to pick FASTQs. |
--sample | Required. Sample name as specified in the sample sheet supplied to the FASTQ generation software (cellranger mkfastq / bcl2fastq / bcl-convert ). Can take multiple comma-separated values, which is helpful if the same library was sequenced on multiple flow cells with different sample names, which therefore have different FASTQ file prefixes. Doing this will treat all reads from the library, across flow cells, as one sample. If you have multiple libraries for the sample, you will need to run cellranger count on them individually, and then combine them with cellranger aggr . Allowable characters in sample names are letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores. |
--create-bam | Required. Enable or disable BAM file generation. Setting --create-bam=false reduces the total computation time and the size of the output directory (BAM file not generated). We recommend setting --create-bam=true if unsure. See for additional guidance. |
--localcores | Optional. Restricts cellranger to use the specified number of cores to execute pipeline stages. By default, cellranger will use all of the cores available on your system. See other runtime options. |
--localmem | Optional. Restricts cellranger to use the specified amount of memory (in GB) to execute pipeline stages. By default, cellranger will use 90% of the memory available on your system. See other runtime options. |
--lanes | Optional. Only use FASTQs from selected lanes. |
--libraries | Optional. Path to a Libraries CSV file declaring FASTQ paths and library types of input libraries. Required for Gene Expression + Feature Barcode analysis. When using this argument, neither --fastqs nor --sample must be used. Additionally, this argument is inappropriate for gene expression-only analysis; for such cases, use --fastqs instead. |
--feature-ref | Required for Feature Barcode analysis. Path to a Feature Reference CSV file declaring the Feature Barcode reagents used in the experiment. |
--tenx-cloud-token-path | The path to the 10x Cloud Analysis user token used to enable cell annotation. If not supplied, will default to the location stored through cellranger cloud auth setup. Learn how to generate or access the token. |
--cell-annotation-model | Cell annotation model to use. Valid model names are: auto human_pca_v1_beta mouse_pca_v1_beta auto , uses the default model for the species. If not given, does not run cell annotation. |
--expect-cells | Optional. Override the pipeline’s auto-estimate. See cell calling algorithm for details on how this parameter is used. If used, enter the expected number of recovered cells. |
--force-cells | Optional. Force pipeline to use this number of cells, bypassing the cell detection algorithm. Use this if the number of cells estimated by Cell Ranger is not consistent with the barcode rank plot. |
--r1-length | Optional. Limit the length of the input Read 1 sequence of Gene Expression (and any Feature Barcode) library to the first N bases, where N is a user-supplied value. Note that the length includes the 10x Barcode and UMI sequences so do not set this below 26 for Single Cell 3′ v2 or Single Cell 5′v1/v2. This and --r2-length are useful options for determining the optimal read length for sequencing. |
--r2-length | Optional. Limit the length of the input R2 sequence to the first N bases, where N is a user-supplied value. Trimming occurs before sequencing metrics are computed and therefore, limiting R2 read length may affect Q30 scores (true, false). |
--include-introns | Optional. Set to false to exclude intronic reads in count . Including introns in analysis is recommended to maximize sensitivity. Refer to the guide on including introns for gene expression analysis for comprehensive recommendations. Default: true (in Cell Ranger v7.0 and later, intronic reads are counted by default) |
--chemistry | Optional. Assay configuration. By default the assay configuration is detected automatically, which is the recommended mode. You should only specify chemistry if there is an error in automatic detection or for some special cases. Select one of the following options: auto for auto-detection (default),threeprime for Single Cell 3′, fiveprime for Single Cell 5′,SC3Pv2 for Single Cell 3′ v2,SC3Pv3 for Single Cell 3′ v3,SC3Pv3-polyA for Single Cell 3' v3 with polyA,SC3Pv4 for Single Cell 3′ v4,SC3Pv4-polyA for Single Cell 3' v4 with polyA,SC3Pv3HT for Single Cell 3′ v3 HT, SC3Pv3HT-polyA for Single Cell 3' v3.1 HT with polyA,SC5P-PE (for NextGEM) or SC5P-PE-v3 (for GEM-X) Single Cell 5′ paired-end (both R1 and R2 are used for alignment),SC5P-R2 (for NextGEM) or SC5P-R2-v3 (for GEM-X) for Single Cell 5′ R2-only (only R2 is used for alignment),SC3Pv1 for Single Cell 3′ v1,ARC-v1 for analyzing the Gene Expression portion of Multiome data. When the pipeline auto-detects ARC-v1 chemistry, an error is triggered. Note: NextGEM chemistries are 3'v1, 3'v2, 3'v3, and 5'v1, 5'v2; GEM-X chemistries are 3'v4 and 5'v3. The polyA suffix in the chemistry name is only necessary when manually specifying the chemistry for antibody libraries generated using poly-A capture (e.g., TotalSeq™-A). In all other cases, specifying the chemistry set (e.g., SC3Pv3 or SC3Pv4 ) automatically maps the library type to the appropriate chemistry. For example, for a 3'v3 Gene Expression + TotalSeq™-B Antibody Capture dataset, specifying --chemistry=SC3Pv3 will automatically configure the Gene Expression library to use SC3Pv3-polyA and the Antibody Capture library to use SC3Pv3-CS1 . |
--check-library-compatibility | Optional. This option allows users to disable the check that evaluates 10x Barcode overlap between libraries when multiple libraries are specified (e.g., Gene Expression + Antibody Capture). Setting this option to false will disable the check across all library combinations. We recommend running this check (default), however if the pipeline errors out, users can bypass the check to generate outputs for troubleshooting (true, false; default: true). |
--nosecondary | Optional. Adding --nosecondary to the command disables the generation of secondary analysis results, such as clustering and dimensionality reduction (tSNE/UMAP) and the .cloupe output file. This flag does not require a true or false value to be specified. |
min-crispr-umi | Optional. Set the minimum number of CRISPR guide RNA UMIs required for protospacer detection. Default: 3 UMIs (in Cell Ranger v8.0 and later). If a lower or higher sensitivity is desired for detection, this value can be customized according to specific experimental needs. Applicable only to datasets that include a CRISPR Guide Capture library. |
-h , --help | Print help information. |
Flag | Description |
--no-libraries | Optional. Add this flag to proceed with processing data using a --feature-ref but no Feature Barcode data specified with the --libraries flag. The --no-libraries flag does not require a true or false value to be specified. |
Refer to the runtime options section for Martian commands that apply to multiple pipelines.
cellranger multi --help
cellranger multi [OPTIONS] --id <ID> --csv <CSV>
Argument | Description |
--id | Required. A unique run id and output folder name [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+ |
--csv | Required. Path of CSV file enumerating input libraries and analysis parameters. See sections below. |
--output-dir | Optional. Path to a custom output directory for storing the results of the run. When this argument is specified, the outputs are placed in the user designated directory, following the format: /path/to/<custom name>/outs/ . If excluded, the outputs are directed to the default path: /path/to/ID/outs/ . |
--description | Optional. Sample description to embed in output files. |
-h , --help | Print help information. |
Refer to the runtime options section for Martian commands that apply to multiple pipelines.
Go to this page to view all config CSV options for supported library types.
Cell Ranger v7.1 and later enable users to download a multi config CSV template by running:
cellranger multi-template --output=/path/to/FILE.csv
Customize the path to the directory in which you wish to output the template. Omitting the file path downloads the file into your working directory. After downloading, please remember to customize the template based on your assay and experimental design. Ensure that the multi config is saved in CSV format with the CSV extension.
To print a list and description of all configurable parameters available in cellranger multi
, run
cellranger multi-template --parameters
Run cellranger multi-template --help
or cellranger multi-template -h
for more information about available options.
cellranger multi-template --help
cellranger multi-template [OPTIONS]
Field | Description |
-o , --output | Optional. Output file path. |
-p , --parameters | Print multi config parameter options and descriptions. |
-h , --help | Print help information. |
cellranger vdj --help
cellranger vdj [OPTIONS] --id <ID> --fastqs <PATH>
Argument | Description |
--id | Required. A unique run ID string: e.g. sample345. |
--output-dir | Optional. Path to a custom output directory for storing the results of the run. When this argument is specified, the outputs are placed in the user designated directory, following the format: /path/to/<custom name>/outs/ . If excluded, the outputs are directed to the default path: /path/to/ID/outs/ . |
--description | Optional. Sample description to embed in output files. |
--fastqs | Required. Path of the FASTQ folder generated by the FASTQ generation software (cellranger mkfastq / bcl2fastq / bcl-convert ) e.g. /home/jdoe/runs/HAWT7ADXX/outs/fastq_path . Can take multiple comma-separated paths, which is helpful if the same library was sequenced on multiple flowcells. Doing this will treat all reads from the library, across flowcells, as one sample. |
--reference | Required. Path to the cellranger vdj compatible reference e.g. /opt/refdata-cellranger-vdj-GRCh38-alts-ensembl-7.1.0 . If --denovo is specified, this parameter is optional. |
--sample | Required. Sample name as specified in the sample sheet supplied to the FASTQ generation software (cellranger mkfastq / bcl2fastq / bcl-convert ). Can take multiple comma-separated values, which is helpful if the sample was sequenced on multiple flowcells and the sample name used (and therefore fastq file prefix) is not identical between them. Doing this will treat all reads from the library, across flowcells, as one sample. |
--project | Optional. Name of the project folder within a mkfastq , bcl-convert , or bcl2fastq -generated folder to pick FASTQs from. |
--inner-enrichment-primers | Optional. This argument takes a .txt file containing primer sequences that were used to enrich cDNA for V(D)J sequences. The primers must be listed one per line. If two sets of primers were used for amplification, the .txt file must contain only the innermost reverse PCR primers that are complementary to the constant region. An example .txt file for human TCR dataset would have these lines:AGTCTCTCAGCTGGTACACG TCTGATGGCTCAAACACAGC The --inner-enrichment-primers option is typically used for species other than human or mouse for which primers are not provided by 10x Genomics, Inc. All the provided primers may be found in the appendix section of this document. |
--localcores | Optional. Restricts cellranger to use the specified number of cores to execute pipeline stages. By default, cellranger will use all of the cores available on your system. See other runtime options. |
--localmem | Optional. Restricts cellranger to use the specified amount of memory (in GB) to execute pipeline stages. By default, cellranger will use 90% of the memory available on your system. See other runtime options. |
--lanes | Optional. Lanes associated with this sample. |
--chain | Optional. Force the analysis to be carried out for a particular chain type. The accepted values are:auto for autodetection based on TR vs IG representation (default),TR for T cell receptors,IG for B cell receptors,Use this in rare cases when automatic chain detection fails. |
--sample | Optional. Prefix of the filenames of FASTQs to select. |
-h , --help | Print help information. |
Flag | Description |
--denovo | Optional. If specified, this flag prevents the use of V(D)J reference during the assembly process. --reference is optional. If --denovo is specified and --reference is not, the --inner_enrichment_primers argument is required. The --denovo option is most useful for full de novo assembly without a V(D)J reference. If you have a V(D)J reference, using --denovo will yield similar but slightly degraded results. |
Refer to the runtime options section for Martian commands that apply to multiple pipelines.
cellranger aggr --help
cellranger aggr [OPTIONS] --id <ID> --csv <CSV>
Argument | Description |
--id | Required. A unique run ID string: e.g. AGG123 |
--output-dir | Optional. Path to a custom output directory for storing the results of the run. When this argument is specified, the outputs are placed in the user designated directory, following the format: /path/to/<custom name>/outs/ . If excluded, the outputs are directed to the default path: /path/to/ID/outs/ . |
--description | Optional. Sample description to embed in output files. |
--csv | Required. Path of CSV file enumerating 'cellranger count/vdj/multi' outputs. |
--normalize | Optional. String specifying how to normalize depth across the input libraries. Valid values: mapped (default) or none (see Depth Normalization). |
--enable-tsne | Optional. Set to true to include t-SNE projections in the .cloupe and web_summary.html outputs. This option defaults to false. |
--nosecondary | Optional. Adding --nosecondary to the command disables the generation of secondary analysis results, such as clustering and dimensionality reduction (tSNE/UMAP) and the .cloupe output file. This is applicable if you plan to use cellranger reanalyze or a custom analysis. This flag does not require a true or false value to be specified. |
-h , --help | Print help information. |
cellranger annotate --help
Annotate cell-types from outputs of a CellRanger run
Usage: cellranger annotate [OPTIONS] --id <ID> --matrix <MATRIX_H5>
Argument | Description |
--id | Required. A unique run id and output folder name [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+ |
--description | Sample description to embed in output files [default: ] |
--tenx-cloud-token-path | Required Path to 10x Cloud cell annotation token file. |
--cell-annotation-model | Optional. Cell annotation model to use. The model is autodetected by default. Valid options: auto human_pca_v1_beta mouse_pca_v1_beta |
--cloupe | Optional. CLOUPE file to use |
--cloupe-group-name | Optional. Name of track to add onto the cloupe file |
--matrix | Required. A filtered feature-barcode matrix containing data for one genome. Must be the filtered version. |
cellranger cloud auth --help
Set up authentication
Interactively walk through the process of setting up authentication. Running
this command will prompt you to visit the 10x Genomics Cloud Analysis site, copy
your access token, and paste it here. The access token will then be saved
locally and reused for subsequent requests.
txg auth [command]
Available Commands:
reset Delete saved authentication information
setup Set up authentication
verify Verify authentication
Argument | Description |
--access-token string | Optional. Specify an access token to use. Default: the saved token from txg auth setup . Required if token not saved from txg auth setup |
--assumeyes m -y | Optional. Assume yes (don't interactively prompt for confirmation, etc). Default: off. |
--header , -H | Optional. Extra header to include in the request when sending HTTP requests to a server. May be given multiple times to add multiple headers. Each header must be of the form 'Header: value'. Default: no extra headers. |
--help , -h | Display help and exit. |
--quiet , -q | Optional. Don't show progress or messages. Default: off. |
--verbose , -v | Optional. Display extra debugging information. Default: off. |
--version | Optional. Display version and exit. |
cellranger reanalyze --help
cellranger reanalyze [OPTIONS] --id <ID> --matrix <MATRIX_H5>
Argument | Description |
--id | Required. A unique run ID string: e.g. AGG123_reanalysis |
--description | Optional. Sample description to embed in output files. |
--matrix=H5 | Required. Path to a filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 or raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5 , or sample_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 from a completed pipestance (from either cellranger count , cellranger multi , or cellranger aggr ). Use the raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5 when specifying a value for --force-cells that exceeds the original cell count. |
--params | Optional. Path to a CSV file containing a list of valid parameters and the values to use for them (see Parameters). |
--barcodes | Optional. Path to a file containing a list of barcodes (one barcode per line) to use for reanalysis. The first line of file must be a header called Barcode. Header is case sensitive. All barcodes must be present in the matrix. |
--genes | Optional. Path to a file containing a list of gene IDs (one gene ID per line) to use for reanalysis (corresponding to the gene_id field of the reference GTF). The first line of the genes file must be a header called Gene. Header is case sensitive. All gene IDs included in the list must be present in the matrix. Only gene features are used in the secondary analysis. Feature Barcode features are ignored. An example gene.txt supplied to this argument: Gene ENSG00000243485 ENSG00000237613 ENSG00000186092 ENSG00000238009 ENSG00000239945 ENSG00000239906 ENSG00000241599 ENSG00000236601 ENSG00000284733 ENSG00000235146 ENSG00000284662 |
--exclude-genes | Optional. Path to a file containing a list of gene IDs (one gene ID per line) to exclude for reanalysis (corresponding to the gene_id field of the reference GTF). All gene IDs must be present in the matrix. The first line of the genes file must be a header called Gene. The exclusion can be applied with or without the --genes list. When a --genes list is supplied, --exclude-genes searches within the supplied list for exclusion. Note that only gene features are used in secondary analysis. Feature Barcode features are ignored. |
--agg | Optional. Path to a CSV file that was used for cellranger aggr . This allows you to retain any metadata associated with the samples for display in Loupe Browser. This argument is required if you want to enable Chemistry Batch Correction in your reanalysis. |
--force-cells | Optional. Force pipeline to use this number of cells, bypassing the cell detection algorithm. Use this if the number of cells estimated by Cell Ranger is not consistent with the barcode rank plot. If specifying a value that exceeds the original cell count, you must use the raw_feature_bc_matrices_h5.h5 . Starting with Cell Ranger 6.1, it is no longer possible to run --force-cells of an aggr output in reanalyze with more cells than were originally called. |
-h , --help | Print help information. |
cellranger mkfastq --help
cellranger mkfastq --run=PATH [options]
Argument | Description |
--run | Required. The path of Illumina BCL run folder. |
--id | Optional. Defaults to the name of the flow cell referred to by --run . Name of the folder created by mkfastq . This option does not accept a full directory path. If used, navigate to the specified directory first and then run mkfastq . |
--samplesheet | Optional. Path to an Illumina Experiment Manager-compatible sample sheet which contains 10x Genomics sample index names (e.g., SI-GA-A1 or SI-TT-A12 ) in the sample index column. All other information, such as sample names and lanes, should be in the sample sheet. |
--sample-sheet | Optional. Equivalent to --samplesheet above. |
--simple-csv | Deprecated. Equivalent to --csv . |
--force-single-index | Optional. If 10x-supplied i7/i5 paired indices are specified, but the flowcell was run with only one sample index, allow the demultiplex to proceed using the i7 half of the sample index pair. |
--filter-single-index | Optional. Only demultiplex samples identified by an i7-only sample index, ignoring dual-indexed samples. Dual-indexed samples will not be demultiplexed. |
--filter-dual-index | Optional. Only demultiplex samples identified by i7/i5 dual-indices (e.g., SI-TT-A6), ignoring single-index samples. Single-index samples will not be demultiplexed. |
--rc-i2-override | Optional. Indicates if the bases in the I2 read are emitted as reverse complement by the sequencing workflow. Set to 'true' for the Reverse Complement Workflow (Workflow B)/ NovaSeq Reagent Kit v1.5 or greater. Set to 'false' for the Forward Strand Workflow (Workflow A) / older NovaSeq Reagent Kits.NOTE: this parameter is autodetected and should only be passed in special circumstances. |
--lanes | bcl2fastq option. Comma-delimited series of lanes to demultiplex. Shortcut for the --tiles argument. |
--use-bases-mask | bcl2fastq option. Same as bcl2fastq ; override the read lengths as specified in RunInfo.xml. See Illumina bcl2fastq documentation for more information. |
--delete-undetermined | bcl2fastq option. Delete the Undetermined FASTQs generated by bcl2fastq . Useful if you are demultiplexing a small number of samples from a large flow cell. |
--output-dir | bcl2fastq option. Same as in bcl2fastq . Generate FASTQ output in a path of your own choosing, instead of flowcell_id/outs/fastq_path . |
--project | bcl2fastq option. Custom project name, to override the samplesheet or to use in conjunction with the --csv argument. |
-h , --help | Show this message. |
--version | Show version. |
cellranger mkref --help
cellranger mkref --genome=NAME --fasta=PATH --genes=PATH [options]
Argument | Description |
--genome | Required. Unique genome name(s), used to name output folder [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+. Specify multiple genomes by specifying the --genome argument multiple times; the output folder will be <name1>_and_<name2> . |
--fasta | Required. Path(s) to FASTA file containing your genome reference. Specify multiple genomes by specifying the --fasta argument multiple times. |
--genes | Required. Path(s) to genes GTF file(S) containing annotated genes for your genome reference. Specify multiple genomes by specifying the --genes argument multiple times. |
--output-dir | Optional. Path to a custom output directory for storing the results of the run. When this argument is specified, the outputs are placed in the user designated directory, following the format: /path/to/<custom name>/outs/ . If excluded, the outputs are directed to the default path: /path/to/ID/outs/ . |
--memgb | Required. Maximum memory (GB) used during STAR genome index generation. Defaults to 16. Please note, the amount of memory specified must be greater than the number of gigabases in the input reference FASTA file. |
--nthreads | Optional. Number of threads used during STAR genome index generation. Defaults to 1. |
--ref-version | Optional. Reference version string to include with reference. |
-h , --help | Show this message. |
cellranger mkgtf --help
cellranger mkgtf <input_gtf> <output_gtf> [--attribute=KEY:VALUE...]
Argument | Description |
--input_gtf | Required. Path to input genes GTF file. |
--output_gtf | Required. Path to filtered output genes GTF file. |
--attribute=<key:value> | Key-value pair in attributes field to be kept in the GTF file. |
-h , --help | Show this message. |
--version | Show version. |
cellranger mkvdjref --help
cellranger mkvdjref --genome=NAME --fasta=PATH --genes=PATH ...[options]
cellranger mkvdjref --genome=NAME --seqs=PATH [options]
cellranger mkvdjref -h | --help
Argument | Description |
--genome | Required. A unique genome name, used to name output folder [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+. |
--fasta | Required. Path to FASTA file containing your genome reference. |
--genes | Required. One or more GTF files containing annotated genes for your genome reference. Specify multiple files by specifying the --genes argument multiple times. The files will be concatenated. |
--seqs | Optional. A FASTA file that directly specifies V(D)J sequences. This is mutually exclusive with the the "fasta" and "genes" args above. |
--output-dir | Optional. Path to a custom output directory for storing the results of the run. When this argument is specified, the outputs are placed in the user designated directory, following the format: /path/to/<custom name>/outs/ . If excluded, the outputs are directed to the default path: /path/to/ID/outs/ . |
--ref-version | Optional. Reference version string to include. |
--rm-transcripts | Optional. Path to text file with transcript IDs to ignore. This file should have one transcript ID per line where the IDs correspond to the "transcript_id" key in the GTF info column. |
-h , --help | Show this message. |
cellranger testrun --help
cellranger testrun [OPTIONS] --id <ID>
Argument | Description |
--id | Required. A unique run id and output folder name [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+. |
--description | Optional. Sample description to embed in output files. |
-h , --help | Print help information. |
cellranger upload --help
cellranger upload <your_email> <file>
cellranger sitecheck --help
Argument | Description |
-h , --help | Show this message. |
--version | Show version. |
To use tarmri
to generate a .mri.tgz
file for a failed run, call tarmri
and give it the path to the failed pipestance (run name specified by --id
The .mri.tgz
file contains a number of logs (including error messages, status reports, and information about the system) that are useful for troubleshooting failures. The .mri.tgz
file does not contain sample data or analysis outputs.
# Generate mri.tgz file for example analysis --id run1
cellranger-x.y.z/cellranger-cs/x.y.z/tenkit/bin/tarmri path/to/run1
# Share mri.tgz file with 10x Support
cellranger upload <your email> <path to log.mri.tgz>
For Cell Ranger v3.1 and earlier, the script is located here:
For Cell Ranger v4.0 and later, the script is located here:
cellranger mat2csv --help
cellranger mat2csv <input_path> <output_csv> [--genome=GENOME]
Argument | Description |
input_path | Required. Path to a Cell Ranger feature-barcode matrix. Can be either a feature-barcode h5 file (recommended) or a path to a MEX Cell Ranger output folder. |
output_csv | Required. Output CSV file. |
--genome=GENOME | Required. Specify which genome to extract. This only applies to multi-genome h5 input files. |
-h , --help | Show this message. |
--version | Show version. |
The Martian commands work the same as for other 10x Genomics pipelines (i.e., Xenium Ranger, Space Ranger).
Argument | Description |
--jobmode | Job manager to use. Valid options: local (default), a cluster job mode (i.e., sge, lsf, slurm), or the path to a <jobmode>.template file. |
--localcores | Set max cores the pipeline may request at one time. Only applies to local jobs. |
--localmem | Set max GB the pipeline may request at one time. Only applies to local jobs. |
--localvmem | Set max virtual address space in GB for the pipeline. Only applies to local jobs. |
--mempercore | Reserve enough threads for each job to ensure enough memory will be available, assuming each core on your cluster has at least this much memory available. Only applies to cluster jobmodes. |
--maxjobs | Set max jobs submitted to the cluster at one time. Only applies in cluster jobmodes. |
--jobinterval | Set delay between submitting jobs to cluster, in ms. Only applies in cluster jobmodes. |
--overrides | The path to a JSON file that specifies stage-level overrides for cores and memory. Finer-grained than --localcores , --mempercore and --localmem . Contact support for an example override file. |
--uiport | The port to serve web UI at: http://localhost:PORT |
Flag | Description |
--dry | Do not execute the pipeline. Generate a pipeline invocation (.mro ) file and stop. This flag does not require a true or false value to be specified. |
--disable-ui | Adding this flag to the command disables web UI. This flag does not require a true or false value to be specified. |
--noexit | Adding this flag keeps web UI running after pipestance completes. This flag does not require a true or false value to be specified. |
--nopreflight | Adding this flag skips preflight check(s). This flag does not require a true or false value to be specified. |
cellranger telemetry --help (collect|check|disable|enable|list|show)
Telemetry can be disabled in three ways:
Disable all telemetry
cellranger telemetry disable
cellranger telemetry disable all
Disable telemetry upload to 10x
cellranger telemetry disable upload
Disable telemetry configuration updates
cellranger telemetry disable update
Here are the available options. Does not require the --
Flag | Description |
collect | Collect telemetry data, if enabled. |
check | Show whether telemetry is currently enabled and configuration information. |
disable | Disable telemetry collection for this user. |
enable | Enable telemetry collection for this user. |
list | List files containing saved telemetry data for this product. |
show | Display contents of saved telemetry data for this product. |
See 10x Genomics' privacy policy at